Abdulrahman Gazzaz is dedicated to examine certain design disciplines as they intersect with social, political, economic, and cultural networks that implicitly form our surroundings. By constantly shifting focus onto particular users’ experience, those significant intersections between design and space begin to diminish. Once ‘place’, ‘object’, and ‘user’ are understood as dynamic elements shaping our physical world, they begin filling the gap between “illustrated on paper” [graphic], and “experienced in three dimensional space” [architecture]; therefore becoming integrated into one holistic entity.
Born and raised in Jeddah. Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in architecture & planning from The University of the West of England in Bristol, UK. Founded BRICKLAB in 2015, a concept development studio in Jeddah, KSA along with his brother Turki. Their diverse background in architecture, planning, and history/theory frames their attitude towards practice. As such, their focus on developing a particular research question with every project allows them to make meaningful contributions for given socio-economic and political contexts.