Jeem is inspired by a poem written by the Sufi scholar Mohammed Abdul Jabbar Al-Nafari on the science of letters:
الØر٠يسري Øيث القصد
جيم جنة جيم جØيم
وقال لي من أهل النار، قلت أهل الØر٠الظاهر،
قال من أهل الجنة، قلت أهل الØر٠الباطن،
قال ما الØر٠الظاهر، قلت علم لا يهدي إلى عمل
قال ما الØر٠الباطن، قلت علم يهدي إلى Øقيقة
A letter leads the way to intention, H, heaven, H, Hell.
He said to me ‘who are the people of Hell?’, I said ‘the people of the outer letters’
He said to me ‘who are the people of Heaven? I said ‘the people of the inner letters’
He said what is the outer letter? I said ‘wisdom that does not lead to work’
He said what is the inner letter? I said ‘wisdom that leads to truth’.
The poem sheds light on a fascinating and mysterious aspect of the Arabic language. Many Islamic scholars believe that there are two facets to every letter, al-zaher - an outer facet and al-baten - an inner facet. The outer relates to the function of the letter in everyday use. The inner relates to the hidden character of the letter; Ibn Arabi said “letters are like a nation of individuals, each with his own duty and obligation”, implying that each letter has its own existence and personality, that is longing to be acknowledge and admired.