Young Saudi Artist 2011

In recognition of the lately growing energy of artistic expression by Saudi youth, Athr gallery is excited to present Y.S.A.  The upcoming exhibition, which opens 9th January 2011, presents some of the most disparate artworks by young Saudi artists across a range of styles and mediums. The artworks delicately depict the local collective conscience nowadays.

We see an adamant demonstration, that whilst maintaining awareness of international contemporary art practices, there is a quintessential and naturally inherent Arab authenticity. In each of the works we are conveyed variety of profound messages affecting the youths of Saudi society.

The show explores pushing borders, challenging stereotypes, exploring current realities and venturing into alternative ones. Most importantly, Y.S.A is a platform where Individual artistic identities are made known; some free from the stigma of locality and others a testimony to it.


Badriya Abdallah, Sara Abdu, Faisal Abu Al-Adel, Reem Bajabaa, Huda Beydoun, Nada Hakeem, Sami Jeraidi, Amna Kamel, Eyad Maghazil, Sa’ad bin Mohammed, Saleh AlShehri, Saud Al-Saud, Yousef Al-Shaikh, Nasser Al-Salim, Majed Al-Thebeiti, Talal AlToghais, Khalid Zahid and Salwa Zahid